Monday, December 14, 2015

SIAM Nominations Committee Seeks Candidates for Executive Committee

The SIAM Nominating Committee, chaired by Michael Pagano and committee members Ann Bowman & Barb McCabe, is seeking candidates for the SIAM Executive Committee. The member positions are for a three-year term, 2016-2019. Please see our SIAM blog for the full list of Executive Committee members. 

In March 2016, Eric Zeemering will assume the role of Chairperson for the next two years, while Rick Feiock will assume the role of immediate Past-Chairperson. Executive Committee Members Elizabeth Frederickson, John Kincaid, and Masami Nishishiba have terms ending in 2016, while David Hamilton's role as immediate Past-Chairperson will now be assumed by Rick Feiock. Executive Committee members whose terms end in 2016 are eligible for re-nomination. 

Our Bylaws govern the slate of officers, their responsibilities, and how elections are to be conducted. Please see Articles IV and V below. 

ARTICLE IV. Officers and Their Responsibilities
Section 1.
The officers of SIAM shall be the Chairperson, Chairperson-elect, immediate Past-Chairperson, and nine (9) members of the board. The term of the Chairperson and Chairperson-elect shall be one (2) year term.  The Chairperson-elect will assume the office of Chair upon the conclusion of the incumbent Chairperson’s two year term.  The nine (9) members will serve staggered three-year (3) terms. These elective officers constitute the SIAM Executive Committee.  The Chairperson-elect and members of the board will be elected by the membership as outlined in the procedures in Article V.
Any vacancies on the Executive Committee of less than one (1) year will be appointed by Chairperson, with the approval of the Executive Committee for the unexpired term of office.

Section 2.
The ASPA Executive Director or his/her designate shall serve as ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.
In consultation with the Executive Committee, the Chairperson appoints the Newsletter Editor, and special committees or task forces. With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Chairperson may appoint a Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Chair for the Section. The Treasurer, Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Membership Chair shall also serve on the Executive Committee. These officers may be selected among section members outside of the Executive Committee.

Section 4.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the overall performance and functioning of SIAM. Among its responsibilities will be the following:
A. Determining section dues, subject to approval by the ASPA National Council.
B. Approving section annual programs and budget.
C. Adopting positions on issues of relevance to section concerns.
1. Accepting donations, grants, and contracts for the section, subject to ASPA policy regarding this matter.
E. Serving on committees and/or Task Forces as deemed necessary by the Chair, or Executive Committee as a whole.
Decisions shall be taken by majority vote; in case of tie, the Chairperson's vote shall prevail.
The Chairperson's responsibilities will include: providing leadership to the Section; representing the Section; chairing the Executive Committee; presiding at section meetings; signing correspondence; supervising implementation of section programs and budget.

ARTICLE V. Elections
Section 1.
All members of the Section on Intergovernmental Administration and Management shall have the right to vote for, and to be nominated to, SIAM elective off ices.

Section 2.
The following election procedures shall be followed:
A. The Chairperson will appoint a Nomination Committee of three (3) members at least four (4) months prior to the annual Section meeting.
B. The Nominating Committee will receive nominations and publish a slate of candidates at least three (3) months prior to the annual Section meeting.
C. The Nominating Committee receive additional nominations from the petition process up to two (2) months prior to the annual Section meeting; such additional nominations to be signed by 25 members of SIAM and accompanied by a statement from the nominee expressing interest and willingness to serve the Section.
D. Ballots will be distributed to the membership at least one (1) month prior to the annual Section meeting.  Voting may occur through the distribution of a paper ballot, through email, or through the use of another online instrument.  The method of voting will be announced to the membership when the slate of candidates is announced.
E. New officers will be announced at the annual Section meeting.

F. Newly elected officers will assume office at the beginning of the annual Section meeting, to be held in conjunction with the ASPA National Conference.

Please submit your nominations for the three Executive Committee Member positions and the Chair-Elect position to by January 31, 2016. 

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