Thursday, April 2, 2015

New Council Member: Ann O'M. Bowman

Ann O’M. Bowman is a professor in the Department of Public Service and Administration at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service. She holds the Hazel Davis and Robert Kennedy Endowed Chair.  Dr. Bowman joined the Bush School faculty in 2008, coming from the University of South Carolina where she was the James F. and Maude B. Byrnes Professor of Government. She specializes in state and local government and administration; public policy, especially the substantive areas of environment, economic development, and land use; and intergovernmental relations. Through her Intergovernmental Dynamics Project, she seeks to untangle the complex web of American state-local government relations.

Dr. Bowman has published articles in various scholarly journals; most recently these include Policy Studies Journal, Public Administration Review, Urban Affairs Review, and American Politics Research. The tenth edition of her textbook, co-authored with Richard Kearney, State and Local Government, is forthcoming in 2016. Previously she and Michael Pagano wrote Terra Incognita: Vacant Land and Urban Strategies, published by Georgetown University Press and Cityscapes and Capital: The Politics of Urban Development, published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

She has held a Lincoln Government Fellowship at the National League of Cities in Washington, D.C., and later received a Fulbright award to Denmark to serve as the Odense Distinguished Chair in American Studies. Dr. Bowman won SIAM’s Donald C. Stone Scholar Award in 1998. She has been president of three organized sections of the American Political Science Association:  Public Policy, Urban Politics, and Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations; she has been Book Review Editor for the Journal of Politics and Urban Affairs Review. Dr. Bowman was inducted into the National Academy of Public Administration in 2014. In 2015, she became president of the Southern Political Science Association. Currently she is a member of the Advisory Council of Publius: The Journal of Federalism, the Editorial Board of the Public Management and Change Series of Georgetown University Press, and the Advisory Board for the Studies in American Public Policy and Management of Johns Hopkins University Press.

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